Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory



“Mystery Solving Course in Civil Engineering” was held.

As part of the SIT Open Lecture and STEAM Program,

A temporary GEL-SIT seminar was held.

As part of a temporary GEL-SIT seminar, students practiced their


“PUBLICATIONS” updated. Katsuumi, A., Cong, Y. and Inazumi, S.:AI-driven prediction

The 12th GEL-SIT plenary seminar was held.

The 12th GEL-SIT plenary seminar for 2024 was conducted. In

Dr. Koki Nakao served as a seminar lecturer.

Dr. Koki Nakao, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, served as a

Exploring the construction site of a power line tower foundation.

As part of a joint research project, two students from

The 11th GEL-SIT plenary seminar was held.

The 11th GEL-SIT plenary seminar for 2024 was conducted. In

The 10th GEL-SIT plenary seminar was held.

The 10th GEL-SIT plenary seminar for 2024 was conducted. During

[Press Release] Creating sustainable cooling in southeast Asia using ground source heat pump systems

The official SIT website and the EurekAlert! Science News Releases

Exploring the Hazama Ando Technical Research Institute

Several students and staff members from our GEL-SIT visited the

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